Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Today's Music Industy...what's the friggin deal!?

We ALL know there's a lot of buzz about your favorite secular artists being apart of the Illuminati. And recently, I found out one of my favorite bands are suspect. Which shocked the heck out of me! lol The way I understand it, a lot of today's videos are filled with satanic symbolism and are a way to brainwash the masses. Do I think Satanism is real? I have to say yes. There ARE good and evil forces in this world. There are people who shed light, and those who bring darkness. Have you ever noticed how sometimes a person can walk in the room and the whole atmosphere changes... whether it's a positive or negative feeling.

I haven't been listening to much rap, pop or any secular music until recently. A lot of people on Twitter talk about the newest videos that come out. So I hit YouTube up to see what was going on in the world. I've seen about 10 videos that I can find 100000000000 things wrong with. And in some of those videos, the Satanic symbolism is so blatant, it would make one think this has GOT to be a joke, there's no way they can be serious. Not only that, there are other videos and songs that clearly promote selling drugs, having sex with numerous people, getting drunk, high, doing other drugs and the list goes on. Do I really need to start naming names? *Sidenote* [I can't honestly say if any artist "worships" satan, but some of their work makes them really suspect.]

Two of my friends, as well as myself, are interested in acting. What does this have to do with anything? Well, as I digress, they both went to audition for a very popular reality show about a year ago. They were asked what their talents were and for both, it's singing. They were asked to come back for day 2 of auditions and one of my friends was told, something to the effect of "There are a lot of girls dying to get on this show and all off them are willing to lick it, suck it, and then some, what about you?" Mind you, the casting director claimed to be a Christian, and he quoted Bible scriptures off the top of his head. But clearly....something is wrong with that picture. If you don't know, Satan knows the Bible better than anybody and has ways of deceiving you. So when my friend gave him a piece of her mind for approaching her in that manner, of course...his real spirit came out and he wasn't too happy about her stance of living a righteous life. This is when I first realized that this stuff--good and evil forces--is real. I wasn't always a "Souled out" Christian..as many of you know, my walk began about a year ago.

So why are so many people blind to what today's music has come to?? A lot of artists are blatant with their blasphemes as well, and I'm NOT just talking about that whole "Empire state of mind" lyric controversy either. "But if these cats rap and sing about evil soooo much could it be that you're listening to a demon flow??" Check out the poem by Jose Palos entitled "Music"...

And check out the two interviews done at the BET awards at the end of this blog.

The reason I cut out a lot of music is because I was getting convicted every time I picked up the Bible. Most of today's music, music videos, and even television and movies are about things God hates. James 4:4 Romans 8:5-7 Romans 12:2 Colossians 2:8 Now, I'm not saying Christians are placed in this small box where having fun isn't possible, because a lot of people try to make it seem like Christians can't do anything fun. Which is a trick of containment. Do not be deceived and as I said in one of my previous posts, don't add on to His commands. Living a righteous life can be hard if you've been living a certain way for so long, but YOU CAN HAVE FUN and live a life worthy of the Gospel! And just know, I'm not forcing any religion or belief on anyone. What you chose to believe in or not believe is your own personal preference. There's a bigger issue at hand, beyond the satanic symbolism and Illuminati speculation.

The problem is today's music and how young kids, as young as 2 years old are singing about sex and getting drunk [repeating the songs they hear]!! And we wonder why the world is the way it is today!? I know of kids who started having sex at 10 years old [SMH] and have been drinking before then! I mean, the other day, a coworker told me how she was at a middle school and a child no older than 12 years old said "Dam* they got some bad B*tches up here." Are you serious!? I think it's ridiculous!

What are your thoughts and/or feelings about today's music industry...or entertainment industry? Me..? I don't think I can take it anymore. Sometimes I just wish I could crawl into a hole until change comes.

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