Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Q&A: Jesus is black? Catholicism..??

Just to catch you up....I was on Facebook, and a status caught my attention... well, it offended me. Now I know this particular person; they have come to me for spiritual advice, as far as where they should start to build. Anywho.. I commented on their status today because what they said REALLY disturbed, and not only that, someone else chimed in and it just... really started bothering me lol... and of course I did comment in a loving way :) So, after I commented the 2 people asked me to expound on what I said, and wanted to know more... In a huge nut shell I let them know what they were saying wasn't biblical, and the conversation that they carried on was blasphemy... so the conversation picks up where I'm stopping now... lol

Anonymous [people]:"well I need to be put on asap.." "...yea put mean on game cause man head is obviously not in the right spot right now u seem like you have knowledge so fill me in" -I'm sorry... I really needed a translator for this conversation because it was SO hard trying to read the "texbonics" lol

"what I want to add on to what I said earlier is.. it's not about what Jesus looked like...what's important is what He did, and why He did it. Now, not that I think you guys are incompetent but I just want to make sure, do you know what Jesus actually did? Have you read the 4 gospels [Matthew, Mark, Luke & John?] Do you know salvation doesn't come by confession alone [saying 1 prayer alone] but believing Jesus Christ is LORD over everyone [regardless if they believe] and a change of lifestyle, sacrificing who you are for who He wants you to be? Should I go on? lol"

Anonymous: Yes keep going. Cause ima ask you something in a second.

Okay, well what exactly do you want to know?

Anonymous: Why we don't pray for mary when she was the one who gave birth to jesus and the rosary people wearing them and don't know even know what they wearin

Good question! Now, why people wear those catholic bracelets? Sadly, I believe it's more of a fad. A lack of education..Hosea 4:6 says my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. People just don't care to educate themselves. They don't realize what those bracelets&necklaces represent. [I assume you're talking about the matching bracelet, necklace set that has mary and other pictures on there...which is yet another idol anyway but that's another discussion lol]
Why don't we pray for Mary? The answer simply put is, it's not Biblical. Though she did give birth to Jesus, and yes her womb was blessed, however we have never been instructed to pray to her. Was Mary free from sin, is Mary a God? No. She was a human just like us, God just chose her to perform a supernatural miracle! Moreover, she did not get on the cross and die for our sins. Only Jesus did. Jesus is our savior. Why give the glory to Mary... what more did she do than give birth to Jesus? Prayer is addressed to God, He's the only one who hears us, He is omnipotent, Omnipresent... HE sees and hears everything. Not Mary, the only One who intercedes to the Father for us, is JESUS NO ONE ELSE [Heb 7:25] He is our High Priest!
Yet, and still, there's so much more I could say! But I just wanted to share this with you guys. I pray that someone will be blessed by this. Let our prayer be to have a pure and open heart to receive the truth. I am SICK of the deception in Christianity. 
God Bless.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

40 Evidences That May Have Lost Your First Love

1. You can go hours or days without having more than a passing thought of Him.
2. You don’t have a strong desire to spend time with Him.
3. You don’t have a strong hunger for the Word; Bible reading is a “chore” – something to mark off your “to do” list.
4. Spending time in prayer is a burden/duty rather than a delight.
5. Your worship is formal, dry, lifeless, merely going through the motions.
6. Private prayer and worship are almost non-existent . . . cold and dry.
7. You are more concerned about physical health, well-being, and comfort than about the wellbeing and condition of your soul.
8. You crave physical food, while having little appetite for spiritual food.
9. You crave human companionship more than a relationship with Christ.
10. You spend more time and effort on your physical appearance than on cultivating inner spiritual beauty to please Christ.
11. Your heart toward Christ is cold and indifferent; not tender as it once was, not easily moved by the Word, talk of spiritual things, etc.
12. Christianity is more of a checklist than a relationship with Christ.
13. You measure spirituality (yours/others’) by performance rather than the condition of the heart.
14. Christianity is defined more what by what you “do” than who you “are” (“doing” vs. “being”).
15. Your obedience and service are motivated and fueled by expectations of others or a desire to impress others, more than by passion for Christ.
16. You are more concerned about what others think and pleasing them, than about what God knows and pleasing Christ.
17. Your service for Christ and others is motivated by a sense of duty or obligation.
18. You find yourself becoming resentful over the hardships and demands of serving Christ and others.
19. You can talk with others about kids, marriage, weather, and the news, but struggle to talk about the Lord and spiritual matters.
20. You have a hard time coming up with something fresh to share in a testimony service at church or when someone asks, “What’s God been doing in your life?”
21. You are formal, rigid, and up-tight about spiritual things, rather than joyful and winsome.
22. You are critical or harsh toward those who are doctrinally off-base or living in sin.
23. You enjoy secular songs, movies, and books more than songs or reading material that point you to Christ.
24. You prefer the company of people who don’t love Christ, to the company and fellowship of those who do.
25. You are more interested in recreation, entertainment, and having “fun” than in cultivating intimacy with Christ through worship, prayer, the Word, and Christian fellowship.
26. You display attitudes or are involved in activities that you know are contrary to Scripture, but you continue in them anyway.
27. You justify “small” areas of disobedience or compromise.
28. You have been drawn back into sin habits that you put off when you were a young believer.
29. “Little” things that used to disturb your conscience, no longer do.
30. You are slow to respond to conviction over sin – or you ignore it altogether.
31. You enjoy certain sins and want to hang onto them. You are unwilling to give them up for Christ.
32. You are not grieved by sin – it’s no big deal to you.
33. You are consistently allured by certain sins.
34. You are self-righteous--more concerned about sin in others’ lives than in your own.
35. You are more concerned about having the right position than the right disposition.
36. You tend to hold tightly to money and things, rather than being quick to give to meet the needs of others.
37. You rarely give sacrificially to the Lord’s work.
38. You rarely have a desire or burden to give, when you hear of legitimate financial needs within the Body, your church, or a ministry.
39. Accumulating and maintaining material “things” consumes more time and effort on your part than seeking after and cultivating spiritual riches.
40. You have broken relationships with other believers that you are unwilling or have not attempted to reconcile.

1"To the angel of the church in Ephesus write: 'The words of him who holds the
seven stars in his right hand, who walks among the seven golden lampstands.
2"'I know your works, your toil and your patient endurance, and how you cannot
bear with those who are evil, but have tested those who call themselves apostles
and are not, and found them to be false. 3I know you are enduring patiently and
bearing up for my name’s sake, and you have not grown weary.
4But I have this against you, that you have abandoned the love you had at first.
5Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent, and do the works you
did at first. If not, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place,
unless you repent. . . .
7He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one
who conquers I will grant to eat of the tree of life, which is in the paradise of
Revelation 2:1-7

© Revive Our Hearts. Used with permission.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

I will wait for you

This poem was so on time!! Lord knows... waiting is one of the hardest things to do, especially when it's been longer than you expected! Getting weary in my well doing.. I've been going back and forth with God as to why He's taking so long! LOL BUT... this was encouragement for me that... waiting is the best thing I can do... which is something I already knew, but you know how sometimes you can easily forget the most important things. Knowing I don't want to end up where I was before I got saved... I've managed to stand strong! So... like Janette said "I will be the one drenched in Proverbs 31, waiting for you." AND even if God calls me to a life of singleness :-/ lol... I have no choice but to accept it and continue to serve Him wholly! Amen to this poem!!

"But I won't need to identify you by any special Matthews, or any special Marks, because His word will be tatted all over your heart."

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Daily Devotion: Giving Without a Whisper

Faith's Checkbook

But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth: that thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in, secret himself shall regard thee openly. -Matthew 6:3-4

No promise is made to those who give to the poor to be seen of men. They have their reward at once and cannot expect to be paid twice.

Let us hide away our charity—yes, hide it even from ourselves. Give so often and so much as a matter of course that you no more take note that you have helped the poor than that you have eaten your regular meals. Do your alms without even whispering to yourself, How generous I am! Do not thus attempt to reward yourself. Leave the matter with God, who never fails to see, to record, and to reward. Blessed is the man who is busy in secret with his kindness: he finds a special joy in his unknown benevolences. This is the bread, which eaten by stealth, is sweeter than the banquets of kings. How can I indulge myself today with this delightful luxury? Let me have a real feast of tenderness and Row of soul.

Here and hereafter the Lord Himself will personally see to the rewarding of the secret giver of alms. This will be in His own way and time; and He will choose the very best. How much this promise means it will need eternity to reveal.

Charles H. Spurgeon

True Christians Do the Will of God

Sermon by Tim Conway