I once heard a story about Buddy's house, Buddy is one of the elders at my church who has a house that's about 5 minutes away from Grace Midtown--walking distance. He had Matt R., and a few ppl that Matt was discipling cleaning up some trash that was around the property due to construction. As they were throwing large items into the trash, the owner of the dorms across the street came out in FURY because they were packing his garbage can down. Matt went to get Buddy, and Buddy, as wise as a serpent and gentle as a dove that he is; after talking to the guy for about 5-10 minutes, he was able to have the guy smiling and willing to let them put as much trash in the garbage can as they wanted.
I'm wondering myself, how often am I wise as a serpent and gentle as a dove. What about you? How many times have you answered softly while someone was mocking you? I hope this can be a constant reminder to me and you as well... not to render evil for evil, but to be wise and chose to calm anger with a gentle answer, and maybe not even an answer at all by "quietly holding it back." Though anger isn't necessarily a sin itself, we know that it is a STRONG emotion that can quickly develop into sin. I will end with this, Proverbs 29:22 An angry person starts fights; a hot-tempered person commits all kinds of sin. All... kinds... of sin... that's scary! Ever notice that heavy, violent arguments only occur because both parties respond in hot-tempered actions and harsh words? But how awesome would it be, if we as believers in Christ responded gently, and in love, as if they were the person we loved the most...I know this is a lot of scripture but last one... for real lol Proverbs 25:22 If your enemies are hungry, give them food to eat. If they are thirsty, give them water to drink. You will heap burning coals of shame on their heads, and the Lord will reward you.
It's easy to be kind to those who are kind to you, but the challenge is being kind to those who persecute, mock or despitefully use you... But blessed are those who love on them anyway! There is truly an internal and eternal reward for those who endure, to those who are lowly and gentle and kind! May we grow in this truth, and fruit of the Holy Spirit! In Jesus' name!
♥ Kamaria
MAN! This is going to be like in my daily devotional..everyday!!!! lol!
ReplyDeleteLOL I think I might need to make this my DD too! :)