Sunday, October 3, 2010

Un-Equal: Jonathan Inman

This is a note a friend of mine posted on Facebook. What a beautiful mind! I just HAD to post this lol :)

A couple people asked about the symbol or emblem i have created on my profile phone and in my room. This is like an unofficial breakdown of what it means. I got the sign from the mathematical sign "not equal" but when i thought about it, it had a lot of biblical/spiritual meanings:-2corinthian6v14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
1) 2 + 2 = 4 This statement is not just a relationship of what 2&2 will equal but it is also a comparison of 2&2 to the number 4. Are they the same? 2+2 (is) 4.   2+1(is not)4 There should be a difference in the way the world & Christians live their lives, handle situations, and perceive this life in general, they should not be equal they should not be the same thing. The way we think live act talk walk & feel should be 1st off diff. from the way we did before and likewise the way the world does now. A mathematical equation cannot contradict itself otherwise its not legit. It is always a statement of truth. Our lives shouldn't have contradiction and should re-present the truth. Light drives out the darkness, love drives out hate both cannot live in the same environment

2) The 2strips of red represent who i used to be, what i used to do, how the world is, red means stained deceptive & blood, deserving of death, 2lines standing for double what ever i would have earned, both are parallel meaning what i would have gotten in this life and the next. however a white line acceding vertical covers, cuts thru & overcomes both, the white means purity light righteousness and truth obviously Jesus Christ, He is the reason i am, have the power to be, and ability to become righteous separated & different otherwise i would be an equal sign like every1 else..

3) When u pay attention to the linear placement of the equal sign it is horizontal, something horizontal is always a matter of distance-you are always on the same plane..the same level but just going further away never really closer to anything but further from where you started. God is not on our level, he is greater, higher. The white strip is vertically a progression never the same, constantly seeing something new, being on a different level. Once i used to live horizontally but God is in the heavens, now I'm trying to get closer to him so I'm flying, rising, ascending not just running or walking but using wings to get there.

-Jonathan Inman

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