And I mean a REAL friend(s) who you can REALLY depend on? A true, genuine, love you unconditionally friend is so hard to find! Want to know what I think classifies as a true friend?

Someone who knows you're sad even when you have the biggest smile on your face. Someone who can hear the pain in your voice and refuses to let you continue with your life until you talk ab
out it. Someone you can ACTUALLY call at midnight for a ride even though you're 30 miles away from their house. Even when you feel like no one understands your pain, as soon as you talk to them, they empathize, relate and bring you back to a sense of peace and clarity in the midst of calamity. A friend is someone who prays WITH you. A friend tells when you're wrong, and helps you make it right. They know what you want before you can even say it.

Throughout my life I've had a lot of friends. Now, I can count my closest ones on one hand. I chose to keep my circle small, because everyone doesn't have your best interest in mind. To me, that's like going around asking people to pray for you. I have a selective few I may ask to pray with/for me because everyone doesn't pray for you with your best interest in mind. Finding a friend who loves you through it all is hard to find! Luckily I have a few who I know I can depend on and even though some of them are far away, they're only a phone call away--and vice versa. So, my question for you... do you know of at least ONE person you can depend on (besides Jesus of course)?? If the worst thing of your life ever took place, can you think of one person you can call on?? [Family excluded]
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