So, what's the cure for a heart ache? Truth is, there is no quick fix. If you really love someone there's no easy way to just up and forget they existed. Best thing for YOU to do is cut off all forms of communication from them (including facebook, twitter, email, etc.) Try focusing your time on other things, if you're a student you'll find that you have a lot more time on your hands study! Trust me, making better grades really makes you feel accomplished and confirms that life does go on without them. Spend more time with friends--preferably ones who understand why you feel the way you do. Anytime you find yourself thinking about your ex, do something to take your mind off of it. Having a hobby is good for this.
I believe time really does soothe a broken heart. But...try not to jump into another relationship too fast. Especially if your last one ended because they cheated, lied, deserted you...basically if you were betrayed. It's perfectly fine to date, but you have to heal your broken heart before you can truly open up and love again. Keep your options as open as possible! When you're ready to settle down again, you'll definitely know. Getting used to being single, and the

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