This is not written to the unbeliever. This is for those seasoned saints. The ones who know all the right answers. Who have all the right verbiage and enough fake, phony smiles to make plastic. I am guilty of this.
What or who is filling you up?
Everyday we find ourselves getting full off something. Whether it's food, time with friends, boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands, wives, pets, TV, music that doesn't glorify God, whatever. Finally, after all the time we spend doing other things, we spend 5 min in prayer, and 2 minutes trying to read His word. Then, we wonder why we don't feel like God is there. But God says, "Stop getting full off of other things, stop worshiping these idols. Worship ME." He says, "You feed your flesh more than the Spirit I gave you, Satan has tempted you with the cares of this world and you took every bait." Believer, child of GOD. Do not be deceived... Get full off God and the things of God... THEN operate from that place. You will see a major difference in how you pray, read, love and worship. Satan has many ways in causing us to be lukewarm, and modern American Christianity has fallen prey to his ways. Don't fall into the temptation.
Jesus told Peter in Luke 22:31, "Simon, Simon, behold, Satan demanded to have you, that he might sift you like wheat," BUT in Luke 22:32 He goes on to say, "but I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned again, strengthen your brothers." Satan tries to sift us as wheat, but I just want to encourage all of my fellow brothers and sisters to, PURSUE GOD with all that you are. Jesus, our Great intercessor, lives to intercede for us in Heaven [Hebrews 7:25]! I've realized that I can't just spend a few minutes in devotion in the morning and be, "okay." I've only be walking with the LORD for 3 years, but I've learned that, the more I grow spiritually, the more time I need with GOD. Geesh, what a hard lesson to learn, but I am so glad to have grabbed hold of this truth. It's so easy to get caught up in the cares of this world, but, Jesus is praying for us! Satan begs to have us, but Jesus continues to pray for those whom He calls His own. Don't
be discouraged, we all slip up, but it's whether or not you choose to
get up and fight. Take heart, remember that Jesus is praying for you. Be encouraged, for He has overcome the world John 16:33.
What or who is filling you up?
Everyday we find ourselves getting full off something. Whether it's food, time with friends, boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands, wives, pets, TV, music that doesn't glorify God, whatever. Finally, after all the time we spend doing other things, we spend 5 min in prayer, and 2 minutes trying to read His word. Then, we wonder why we don't feel like God is there. But God says, "Stop getting full off of other things, stop worshiping these idols. Worship ME." He says, "You feed your flesh more than the Spirit I gave you, Satan has tempted you with the cares of this world and you took every bait." Believer, child of GOD. Do not be deceived... Get full off God and the things of God... THEN operate from that place. You will see a major difference in how you pray, read, love and worship. Satan has many ways in causing us to be lukewarm, and modern American Christianity has fallen prey to his ways. Don't fall into the temptation.

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