Friday, May 11, 2012

Truth Is...

The times ARE perilous. LORD, I just try to stay out of the drama.
Out of the debates, arguments, back & forth mess.
Politics, religion, wars, injustice, everyone seems to have the answer, but yet we see no change.
Everyone has the solution, except their conclusion is still inconclusive.
Everyone has facts, yet it seems no one has the truth.
But I do.
Truth is, we're living in a fallen world. Where people are all for self.
They've even created their "just for me" gods.
Their own gods who are okay with their sin, but yet who's "rights" contradicts the next man's.
Your god is okay with adultery, but your god isn't.
They slept with their spouse, now one cries out for justice, but the other sees no wrong done.
Your god is okay with homosexuality and your god is okay with sexual battery.
Your god sees no wrong in stealing and your god is completely okay with sin... See the confusion?
There seems to be no standard of right or wrong.
People make murder worthy of hell, yet I admit that I myself am worthy of death... eternal death.
I've lied, I've stolen, I've hated--which makes me a murderer
I've looked upon with lust--which makes me an adulterer.
I've put other gods before Yahweh, and made my own personal idols.
My gods were okay with all my sinful desires.
I could steal and cheat, masturbate and treat my parents with the utmost disrespect.
I made a grave image of my gods and served them day and night.
I never kept the sabbath, let alone kept ANY day holy.
I've lied on people and even desired their most precious treasures.
I'm a self-admitted sinner.
Dare I say it the most filthy of them all.
I'm more deserving of judgment than any of you all.
Fallen from my rightful place, in the presence of the Father.
BUT, redeemed by Christ, with grace and might, now I'm made righteous.
Now I'm complete and now I'm set free.
Yes, my past is completely redeemed.
I've rebelled against my God, but He's delivered me with His mighty right hand.
 Hallelujah to the Father. Abba. Yahweh. Jehovah!


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Who's judging?

Proverbs 28:5 Evil men do not understand justice, but those who seek the Lord understand it completely.

Lately, we've been witnessing a lot of situations where people have felt that justice has been perverted, however, I think it's more of a misunderstanding of what justice truly is. Proverbs 28:5 sheds some much needed light on the issue. Consider Kony and Trayvon or even Mussolini and Hitler, we as mankind demand that a price be paid for the wrong that someone has done to us, or the mistreating of another. We also agree in "extreme" cases that merely death is never enough.

When we are wronged, we have an inclination that cries out for justice to be served, therefore demonstrating that the law of God is on our hearts and in our consciences. I've realized from reading Exodus 18, that even civil and moral law comes from God, so how much more do spiritual laws? I think it's important we keep in mind that God is ALWAYS the ultimate judge. As a matter of fact, the death sentence was instituted to say that a criminal is too heinous for humans to even judge, therefore we are going to kill him and send him to God's court. Hmmm... interesting huh?

Luke 6:42 talks about taking the log out of our own eye so that we may see clearly. So is it safe to say that a misunderstanding of justice comes from not being able to see clearly? According to the book of Proverbs, the thing that they don't see clearly is God, thus not being able to understand justice. This is scary because in the same chapter of Luke, verse 38, it says "for with the measure you use it will be measured back to you," so the world basically accuse, condemn and judge themselves every time they protest about justice not being "served" on these "heinous" criminals (but on the other side of the coin, they aren't able to see how heinous their own crimes are, and just how heinous their human nature is).

You see, the problem is we don't think our human nature is bad (Genesis 6:5,Genesis 8:21, Romans 3:23, Matthew 7:11, Psalm 51:5, Isaiah 64:6). We think we are "good" people and that God doesn't severely punish the least liar, thief, fornicator, blasphemer, murder, etc. Because the Law of God is written on our heart, He therefore judges out of our hearts! If I were to punch my parent in the arm, I'd probably get cussed out! If I punched a person on the street or a police officer, I'd get sent to jail (or worse!) If I punched the president, I'd get shot, and if I punched the pope, I'd probably be killed! Do you see what seemed to be a small offense to a parent, the punishment increases when the person's status is increased... so how much more God? And we punch Him everyday, like all the time!

Many want to say, "Well God is love..." And that's TRUE! But, if I love light what do I hate? If I love hot, what do I hate? If I love righteousness what do I hate? God hates evil and because He is righteous, pure and Holy, He will eliminate it. We just don't sin, we are born sinners, we and the world are already judged, (Hell is the wrath and justice of God, an eternal jail) but fortunately, we do have a savior... The long awaited Messiah has come, and will come again.  Let's praise GOD that Christ came not to condemn the world but that the world might be saved through Him... John 3:17 !!!


Thursday, May 3, 2012

I Wanna be Led!

A few days ago, I was driving and saw something that got me thinking. I was sitting at a red light, and saw a lady who was walking her dogs. However, while in the middle of the intersection, the light turned green so she began to jog to get across the street. Without even a word from their master, the dogs, began to follow suit and and hustled to the other side of the street. The dogs did not try to run ahead of her, nor did they begin to walk slower or at the same pace. They all moved on one accord.

I want to be led by the Holy Spirit in the same way! I want to be so in tune with the Spirit's guiding that even at the slightest bit of change in movement, I will quickly follow suit--with no hesitations!

John 16:13 When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all the truth, for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak, and He will declare to you the things that are to come. ESV 

The Holy Spirit IS the Spirit of God, and He is also referred to as the Spirit of truth. He reveals to us the deeper things of God, teaches us the ways of God, and He leads us in the way everlasting. He is our helper, and He is God. We must learn to trust the Holy Spirit, just like we trust that the sun will rise every morning. When He says, "run", let us run with all we have. When He says, "slow down," let's move at a slower pace. When He says, "make a right," let us cut the wheel right. If He causes us to yield, or stop, let's trust that He knows what is best for us. 

The owner of those dogs knew something the dogs didn't know yet. She knew that danger was coming if they didn't get across that street. Just like the owner of those dogs scurried across the street to keep her dogs safe. The Holy Spirit directs away from things that could harm us, but it's our decision to obey. I don't know about you, but I want to be led! 
