So.... Kamaria (that's me!) got a man!! HAHA!! Not just "a man..." or "any ol' man" but a GODLY MAN!!! THE MAN she has prayed for! PRAISE GOD!!! HALLELUJAH!!! I know many are speculating but I'm here to clear the smoke and shine some light on this.
How did we meet?
Initially we were Facebook friends, but we never really "talked" to each other like that. Just were, I guess, "cordial" on Facebook. Jonathan stays in Alabama because that's basically where his entire life is. But we actually did speak a few times outside of Facebook, nothing real serious. Actually, the first time we spoke, we prayed for each other!! Much like how our relationship is now :o)Anyway, while he was on Spring Break, he came back to Atlanta for a few days. Around this time, I was transitioning churches, so I actually JUST started going to a new church. THAT is where we met. The timing and how it happened couldn't have been more perfect... nothing BUT God! When we saw one another, we spoke, but kept the conversation fairly short. Or should I say, I kept the conversation short ;^) LOL We were actually in this orientation-type session for people who wanted to know more about the church. Afterwards, I left, and he texted me. And honestly, the rest is history.... nothing but God's hands all over, around, and through our relationship!
How long did you "wait?"
Long enough. LOL about as long as God saw fit! I came to a point in my life though where I said, "Lord, all of this is in Your hands." True enough, I expressed to God what I like in a man [as if He didn't know] but I also asked the Lord to keep my eyes and my heart open, so I wouldn't miss out on THE ONE He has for me. There also came a point where I realized that whether I'm single till the end of my days or not, I would always find my joy in Him. Nothing/no one else.Fact of the matter is, I made up in my mind, and made a declaration that I was going to wait on the Lord. And in the meantime, I'd make sure I'm doing whatever my Father was telling me to do. WHICH INCLUDED [but was not limited to] no casual dating & no wasting my time just talking to people. God called me to cut a few people off and let some people go, and honestly, I was fine with it. LOL Single isn't really as bad as some make it seem either. It gives you time to prepare, and helps ensure that you have a strong foundation with Christ.
Are you happy?

Is it REAL?
Is God real?? LOL Of course, thru many answered prayers, I can rest assured knowing that I am in God's will. Knowing that Jonathan and I are in God's will. None of this is just by happen chance or "coincidence." Our initial meeting and everything that happened leading up to us meeting was divinely orchestrated. But, it took obedience, prayer, and just knowing, hearing, and taking heed to the voice of the Lord.My prayer is that many will be encouraged to wait! I will leave you with this scripture:
Psalm 37:4 Delight yourself in the LORD, and He will give you the desires of your heart. [ESV]
♥Grace be unto you,
Kamaria and Jonathan